Facade Materials

Marble facade

Marble is formed with metamorphic process of sedimentary stones. Being a metamorphic stone it delivers great heat resistance. It reflects light, and when compare to other material it does not lose its beauty over time. 
Marble has been in use as a part of architecture and sculpture since ancient times. From the monumental ruins of antiquity to the lavish master baths of today, marble has had a rich and tumultuous history. Marble has represented excellence since time immemorial. few of the notable architectural marvels created in yesteryears and that still stand tall in the world including Taj Mahal, the roman colosseum and the Acropolis of Athens all are made using marble. The use of marble provides a timeless and undeniable charm to the architecture. 
Drawing muse from early marble architecture, architects today apply marble cladding to luxury villas and premium hotels. The use of marble increases the value of the property due its characteristics. The stone facades which were a primary choice in ancient buildings are now making a comeback due to demand for natural material with intrinsic look that sells. Marble façade provide an aesthetic and luxurious appeal to the building, it is used for both internal cladding and flooring. The typical aesthetic appeal of this stone has made marble one of the preferred materials in luxury architecture and marble facade building, used both for interior cladding and flooring but also to give greater shine to historic buildings that, thanks to marble, still maintain the same original brightness.
Ventilated façade which is made with marble allow outdoor cladding to adapt to the weather since stone being a natural material is resistant and waterproof. It provides maximum energy savings and guarantees optimal performance. Marble façade cladding equipped with ventilation guarantees the insulation of the building with spontaneous elimination of water vapour naturally produced from the inside. Marble facade cladding are the result of a continuous research into the creation of important and prestigious marble cladding exterior. Curtain walls in marble are therefore the best solution to have an elegant and absolutely avant-garde coating in terms of energy saving and design, as well as guaranteeing a series of unparalleled benefits.
Various types of material can be chosen for a stone facade house. To stay on light tones for a white marble facade, you can start with the classic white Carrara marble, Calacatta, up to darker marbles such as Bardiglio Imperiale or Nuvolato.

Marble House by Openbox Architects, Bangkok, Thailand


The architects of Marble House wanted to create a home within a “piece of marble sculpture.” The upper volume, clad in thin sheets of white marble, appears to float over a discreet, black base. Its angular façade shades windows and shelters terraces, while the polished cladding brings natural light inside. The surrounding landscape is dotted with large blocks of marble, as if chiseled from the home itself.

Milstein Hall at Cornell University by OMA Ithaca, N.Y., United States

Milstein Hall is the first addition to Cornell University’s School of Architecture, Art and Planning in over a century. Supported by a large steel truss, the horizontal structure links the existing Sibley and Rand Halls into one unified building. The predominantly glazed façade is framed by Turkish marble cladding, whose veins are oriented to create a barcode-like finish. The name of the building is engraved among these striations, in a custom font created by the graphic designers at 2×4 Inc.


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Allen Smith
June 11, 2022 at 6:01 am Reply

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Louis Ferguson
June 11, 2022 at 6:55 am Reply

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Allen Smith
June 11, 2022 at 7:10 am Reply

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Frances Guerrero
June 14, 2022 at 12:35 pm Reply

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Judy Nguyen
June 18, 2022 at 11:55 am Reply

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