New Technologies

Photovoltaic and solar panels

Photovoltaics gets its name from the process of converting light (photons) to electricity (voltage) called the PHOTOVOLTAIC effect. 
Photovoltaic façade is one of the most reliable methods for producing renewable energy in the world. Using an array of photovoltaic cells, these technologies absorb and conquer sunlight into clean, usable electricity.
Solar panels can be used as solar façade cladding solution that fits both new facades and existing facades. Solar facades provide plenty of advantages such as facade insulation, façade and balcony glazing, additional thermal properties and also noise reduction. 
Photovoltaic glass is a perfect material to improve the comfort of users inside the building, not only does it allow the entry of natural light, but at the same time it filters harmful radiation. Its optimized solar factor contributes to achieve pleasant temperature inside the building.

What is a Photovoltaic Cell?
A photovoltaic cell is an electric component that converts solar energy into electrical energy
Each photovoltaic cell is made up of two slices of semi-conductor material
The structure of a photovoltaic cell can be compared to a sandwich

What is a Solar PV System?
A solar PV system, also known as a solar photovoltaic system, converts the solar rays (energy) directly into electric energy. This effect is known as the solar photovoltaic effect.
Photovoltaic cells and panels are both integral, closely connected parts of solar PV system. Photovoltaic cells are the main component that makes up a solar panel, while solar panels are a vital component that makes up a solar system.

What is a Solar Panel?

A solar panel is an assembly of multiple PV cells
Individual PV cells are interconnected in series and placed in a sealed encapsulate
To achieve the required current and voltage, solar panels are connected in series and parallel in a solar PV system

Though both the solutions use solar energy, the purpose for the absorption is completely different.
Photovoltaics are installed for the conversion of thermal energy into electricity, while solar panels convert solar energy into heat. 
Solar thermal collectors absorb the solar radiation that reaches the absorber, which transfers energy to the medium, usually a water and glycol solution. The medium supplies the exchanger with heat in the form of hot water.

Solar panels are not as versatile as photovoltaic systems which are used not only to heat water but also to supply various electrical equipment with free electricity from the sun.
One of the other difference between both the panels is the operating costs. Solar panels tend to involve lower costs than photovoltaics. 
The photovoltaic system operates not only on sunny days but throughout the year, also when the insolation is lower. The surplus energy generated in the summer is transferred by the prosumer to the power company to “recover” some of the stored reserves in the fall and winter months, when the photovoltaic system is less productive. This significantly reduces electricity bills.

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Allen Smith
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Allen Smith
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Judy Nguyen
June 18, 2022 at 11:55 am Reply

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