Facade Detailing

Facade inspection


Façade inspection is an integral part of building survey as it is helpful for verifying the integrity of the building structure and thus  ensuring safety for its occupant people within the vicinity.
It can be helpful in identifying any damage to the structural elements of the building and problems such as water infiltration so that it could be taken care of immediately or in near  future depending upon the severity of the damage.
Insufficient maintenance can cause a building to become dangerous  for occupants and surrounding, a timely scheduled inspection can reduce the damage to widespread while also making it cost efficient  for the building owners. 

The façade inspection and safety program requires that buildings of  six stories or more be reviewed by a qualified architect or engineer every five years and that the deficiencies be corrected shortly after.It is really important for building owners to understand the condition  and problem of the building and follow what the process is to correct them.
Emergencies that are caused due to damaged building can be life threatening and expensive to endure. Unexpected facade accidents  include water penetration, damaged interior finishes, falling of building’s exterior pieces and all of these are damaging for the property and can seriously injure people

One of the primary motive for façade inspection is that the building should not endanger the occupants of the people around the building surrounding. While the Façade Inspection and Safety Program is required for buildings six stories and greater, it is just as important for smaller buildings to regularly monitor any signs of damage and to correct any deficiencies before they lead to failure. 
The goal behind façade inspection is to identify lose, missing, damaged elements of the structure that can turn out to be a hazard in future.
Façade inspection primarily helps to identify location and points from where the water maybe penetrating through the façade and deteriorating elements, such as steel corrosion. All stones absorb water in varying amounts depending on its density and porosity. Thus almost every façade is bulb to water leakage 

This type of damage can lead to loss of structural elements, falling veneers, deterioration of mortar between masonry.
The other problem that can be identified is air infiltration or exfiltration through the building. This can lead to humid air leaking into building causing moisture problem. Air leakage from building if contaminated can be damaging or harmful for people outside the property.
Façade is the skin of the building and is essential for the structure’s  health and appearance, it provides a unique personality to the structure,
But overtime the façade can deteriorate not only the visual but can also become a health hazard. It’s important for building owners to understand the benefits of a façade inspection. First, the façade inspection can identify any loose, missing, or otherwise damaged building façade elements that need to be repaired immediately or in the near-term. This helps to maintain a safe building for the occupants and building users, as well as to protect passersby on the sidewalks or roadways adjacent to the building from any potential for falling debris


Second, the façade inspection can identify more nuanced water infiltration issues or other façade deficiencies for the building owner. This allows building owners to be proactive in their maintenance efforts and eliminate small problems before they become large problems.


For a normal building inspection, here are some of the more general issues or concerns that the inspector will be looking for:
• Any avenues for water to infiltrate through the building façade. These could be gaps between different building materials, cracks or splits in the joint sealant, missing pieces of flashing or gaskets in the windows, etc.

• Loose, missing, cracked, or otherwise damaged façade elements. These types of façade elements could potentially become falling debris hazard to anyone on the ground level. 

• Water staining, cracking, etc. on the interior of the building. 

• Staining or discoloration in brick, windows, and other façade elements. 

• Any other signs of distress in the building elements.

In addition to the façade inspection, an informal interview is usually conducted with the building engineer, property manager, or any other person with a history of the building façade’s prior repairs. Typical questions include:

• Are there any existing construction drawings or specifications for the building? 
• Are there any current water leaks in the building? 
• Have there been any prior building façade repairs?
• What façade repairs were completed and when? 
• When was the last time the joint sealants were replaced?
• How old are the windows, doors, and roof membrane? 
The following mentioned regime is the periodic façade inspection Set by the Singapore Building and  Construction Authority.

•    Periodic Facade Inspection (PFI) Criteria and Frequency Buildings that are more than 20 years of age are to be inspected every 7 years with the exception of: Detached houses, semi-detached houses, terraced or linked houses which are used solely as places of residence Temporary buildings as defined under the Building Control (Temporary Buildings) Regulations 2018Buildings where the highest point (including its roof, if applicable) is 13 meters or lower when measured from the ground.
•    Process of Periodic Facade Inspection (PFI)BCA informs owner* by serving a Notice for PFI of buildings that are due for the building facade inspection Building owner appoints a Competent Person (CP)^ to inspect the facade of the buildings conducts facade inspection on the building Owner or CP (authorized by owner) submits a report to BCA Where necessary, owner engages a contractor to repair defects as recommended by the CP

The Periodic Facade Inspection (PFI) regime Was introduced in 2020 and is Set to take effect on 1 Jan 2022. The regime aims to help building owners detect and address any facade deterioration in a timely manner thus ensuring public Safety.

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Allen Smith
June 11, 2022 at 6:01 am Reply

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Louis Ferguson
June 11, 2022 at 6:55 am Reply

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Allen Smith
June 11, 2022 at 7:10 am Reply

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June 14, 2022 at 12:35 pm Reply

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Judy Nguyen
June 18, 2022 at 11:55 am Reply

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