Facade Detailing

Facade maintenance

Facade Maintenance
•    The checklist of façade maintenance keeps changing depending on the needs of the building and the requirements depends on several factors.
•    Façade restoration is an essential part of routine building maintenance, lack of a proper routine not only does defects the look and aesthetic of the structure but also has an impact on the health and safety of the occupants and passerby. Whereas if followed, a routine maintenance could extend the life span of the build and provide public safety as well.
•    A basic maintenance routine includes crack repair, façade cleaning, window washing, painting, etc


Maintenance of a façade is a complex process to even begin with and a list of points Should be considered and analyzed before beginning any maintenance Work. The following    points and questions need to be analyzed before Setting up a maintenance Work
•    How long has the structure been constructed for?
•    Has the façade been maintained or restored in that span of time?
•    If restored earlier, what has been the focal points of issues and how was that solved?
•    Basically the whole history of the structure is to be studied to carry out maintenance work.

Just an overall view of the Structure isn’t enough to Set up a maintenance program for it.
•    Different techniques and technologies are used to understand the different elements and the amount of damage if any.
•    An inspection of building veneers for any cavities using boroscope is required.
•    Sounding process using hammer to determine voids beneath the façade exterior needs to be performed,
•    Other techniques such as impact and impulse restore method, water absorption with RILEM tubes to indicate water damage, etc. are the varied range of methods for identifying deterioration. Each type of damage needs to be inspected thoroughly to provide a suitable repair for that.
•    This topic is often an important matter of discussion among building maintenance teams.
•    The maintenance of the façade varied from structure to structure and thus the needs and plans regarding the same is always changing.
•    A well maintained façade extends the life shelf of the building and provides the residents a healthy and safe occupancy and it also ensures safety of the people residing in the surrounding area 
•      It is often seen that when a building is neglected or ill maintained for a long period of time it’s health starts deteriorating ranging from minor wear and tear to water leakage or falling debris. All of this becomes a matter of grave danger for the public.
•     This deterioration can become a costly affair if not identified and repaired before its widespread.
•     A proper maintenance team and plan ensures that the health of the building is enhanced from time to time, and it provides a clean and more hospitable living environment.
•     A well planned and effective cleaning is necessary to ensure that the façade remains aesthetically pleasing, functional and structurally sound.

Checklist for façade maintenance

•    Check all sealants/caulking, including windows and doors, for integrity with destructive testing methods.
•    Inspect glazing and painting for chips or signs of damage and wear.
•    Conduct prior repair work inspection.
•    Review concrete/stone/terra cotta repairs and concrete restoration work.
•    Conduct an inspection of the waterproofing envelope.
•    Check acrylic and other coatings.
•    Assess wall flashing for overall condition.
•    Check brick for signs of damage or quality of repairs.
•    Identify whether issues are caused by poor craftsmanship or weathering and element exposure.
•    Check balcony concrete repairs.
•    Inspect balcony deck coatings.

•    Inspect roofing components that attach to or are used in the maintenance of the façade.
•    Assess the condition of skylights or chimneys Check stucco repair/replacement quality, taking care to not damage recent work.
•    Check for possible damage caused by facade cleaning/pressure washing Review the appearance of the façade to determine if increasing the frequency of pressure washing and cleaning is necessary.
•    Address emergency leak repairs with teams ready to create a short-term seal and report the issue to the proper person in the commercial building services company.

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Allen Smith
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Allen Smith
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June 14, 2022 at 12:35 pm Reply

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Judy Nguyen
June 18, 2022 at 11:55 am Reply

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