Facade Detailing

Ventilated facade

A ventilated façade is an outdoor cladding building solution that can be applied to both new buildings and refurbished buildings. It is a robust multilayers system with a ventilated air gap in between layers. This gap is open at the top and bottom creating a way for natural ventilation of the façade. The function of the air gap is providing energy savings, aesthetical durability and external noise reflection in the building.  Ventilated façade allows for the circulation of air between supporting wall and cladding material, and thus helps in reducing heat absorption by the supporting wall of the building during summers and retains head inside the building during winter thus creating something called as a “Chimney Effect “. This protects the building against the weather while creating a healthy indoor environment. 

A ventilated façade has multiple benefits compared to other building techniques :


• ENERGY SAVINGS – one of the most significant advantages of ventilated façade is the improvement in buildings energy performance. the system helps in regulating heat in the building and decreases thermal bridge and temperature loads by 30%. 

• THERMAL INSULATION – provides a proper thermal hygrometric building behaviour by dispersing moisture accommodation and protecting the walls from getting damp and mouldy.

• NOISE ABSORPTION – reflects external noise and reduces noise absorption by 10% to 20%.

• HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT – meets basic sanitary requirements to provide hygienic and healthy environment bt=y being resistant to pollutants, dust and chemicals. 

 A ventilated façade system comprises of following elements :

  A SUPPORTING WALL – a façade enclosure that is used as a support to attach the ventilated façade.

  THERMAL INSULATING LAYER – the material that provides thermal and acoustic insulation

  AIR CHAMBER – space between supporting wall and cladding material.

  EXTERNAL CLADDING – cladding is the last step in the process.

Architects are now developing systems where ventilated façade has both technical and aesthetical value. The following are some of the prime examples of structures that fit within the context of environmentally conscious ventilated façade projects.

King Fahad National Library by Gerber Architekten, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Placed at the heart of the pedestrianized Olaya District in Riyadh, the King Fahad National Library has to provide thermal comfort in external temperatures of up to 122 degrees Fahrenheit. The tensile-stressed steel cable structure acts as a membrane, stretching its fabric to minimize solar penetration while introducing passive cooling across all floors.


Aspen Art Museum by Shigeru Ban Architects, Aspen, Colo., United States
Set against the backdrop of the Colorado mountain range, the woven panel façade is one of three component systems that form the Aspen Art Museum. Wrapping exclusively around all sides, it shields the structural glass floors and timber space-frame roof from extensive solar glare.

Velenje Car Park by ENOTA, Velenje, Slovenia
Conceived as a prototype, the parabolic metal sheets not only soften the appearance of numerous parking lots in the city of Velenje, but also provide an expedient solution to protecting owners and their vehicles from unwanted heat rays.

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Allen Smith
June 11, 2022 at 6:01 am Reply

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Louis Ferguson
June 11, 2022 at 6:55 am Reply

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Allen Smith
June 11, 2022 at 7:10 am Reply

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Frances Guerrero
June 14, 2022 at 12:35 pm Reply

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Judy Nguyen
June 18, 2022 at 11:55 am Reply

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