Facade Detailing

Façade cleaning


FAÇADE is the vertical face of a building envelope such as an external wall. A building may have one or many facades, sometimes the façade could be the front of the building that leads on the public space or street. the façade of your premises is the first thing that any visitor walking by or into your building will observe, so it’s crucial to keep it clean and beautiful at all times. Cleaning your facade from time to time is a rewarding job. Thus the overall maintenance has a great emphasis on its aesthetic and looks of the building. A clean façade will have a positive impression. Make sure the building is clear of any dust, grime, stain and pollutants. There are number of elements that can make a façade dirty such as
  o    Leaching out of minerals and salts from the substrate of overhead windows.
  o    The façade surface gets coated with pollutants from vehicles passing by.
  o    Nests created by bugs, rodents and birds.
  o    water leakage.

HOW TO CLEAN FACADES: How a facade should be cleaned will depend on a number of things, including the type of the building, the material used in the facade, and the building location, among others. Before starting to clean a commercial property facade, it is important to find the right tools and supplies for the job, which will depend on the type of the building and the facade as well as the material used in building the facade.

    A simple cleaning solution of warm water, dish soap and vinegar can be made for cleaning this kind of façade. A sponge, soft brush or a rotary tool fitted with buffing accessory can be used to clean in gentle even strokes.
   Commercial cleaning products are available in market for this type of façade. To remove oil stains isopropyl alcohol could be used.
   Check for signs of any natural growth of moulds or algae accumulation. Soap solution can be generally used to clean them.  If there are stains or sticky dirt on the wood, use warm water & dish soap solution to gently remove it. Rinse with clean water.
   Cleaning a façade is a process that should take place before any repair work as clean surface makes it easier to identify problems. If you don’t see yourself cleaning the façade yourself, a professional company could get the job done.

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Allen Smith
June 11, 2022 at 6:01 am Reply

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Louis Ferguson
June 11, 2022 at 6:55 am Reply

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Allen Smith
June 11, 2022 at 7:10 am Reply

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Frances Guerrero
June 14, 2022 at 12:35 pm Reply

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Judy Nguyen
June 18, 2022 at 11:55 am Reply

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