Facade Detailing

Acoustic Panels

Acoustic panels are large, soft-furnished panels that can be strategically placed within rooms to improve sound quality. Acoustic panels (also sound absorption panels, soundproof panels or sound panels) are sound-absorbing fabric-wrapped boards designed to control echo and reverberation in a room.

Most commonly used to resolve speech intelligibility issues in commercial soundproofing treatments. Most panels are constructed with a wooden frame, filled with sound absorption material (mineral wool, fibre glass, cellulose, open cell foam, or combination of) and wrapped with fabric.

An acoustic panel is a sound-absorbing panel used to mitigate noise and reduce the reverberation and echo in a space.

Commonly made from a combination of foam and fabric, the acoustic panels can be cut into a range of shapes and sizes and customised to compliment the design of your room. The main purpose of acoustic panels is to remove residual sound in any space. When installed correctly in a room, acoustic panels can absorb or diffuse sound from the first point of reflection. In the age of open-plan offices, flexible co-working spaces and a drive to repurpose every derelict warehouse in sight, acoustic panels now live at the helm of the architecture world.

Whether you want to limit sound transfers, reduce background noise and reverb time, it’s crucial to determine the location of the acoustic panels to achieve the best performance. Finding the ideal positioning depends on several factors, including
•    room type,
•    the activity of the space,
•    existing furniture, and
•    materials in the space (e.g. glass, plastic, wood).
In smaller rooms, for instance, meeting rooms, designated focus areas, and private offices, sound waves will typically first bounce against the walls. Why? These are usually the hard surfaces closest to the sound source. As a consequence, you should be looking into using wall-mounted acoustic panels.

In bigger rooms and large spaces, sound waves behave differently. Sound energy propagates in any space, but in larger spaces, less sound energy is bouncing back into the room as the original sound sometimes drops dead before even reaching a hard element.

The effectiveness of acoustic panels means that you can use far less so that you’re not at risk of over-cluttering areas and spaces. Acoustic panels provide the perfect sound absorption materials for deadening and dampening sound in restaurants, offices and many more spaces. We have a number of sound insulating panel styles to choose from including standard fabric-wrapped panels, perforated wood and water resistant acoustic panels. When used correctly, acoustic panels can be highly effective at solving a variety of acoustic or soundproofing issues that you may have, whether in the office, restaurant, bar, or any other place occupied by a large number of people.

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Allen Smith
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June 14, 2022 at 12:35 pm Reply

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Judy Nguyen
June 18, 2022 at 11:55 am Reply

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